Apiktur from Ranbir Kapoor’s photo shoot and the upcoming Mandanna Rashmika film has leaked online. While the picture does not feature a honorable friend’s star, it shows Ranbir and Anil Kapoor recorded the film at Pataudi Palace. Yes, you read it properly, the beautiful family home Sharmila Tagore-Saif Ali Khan multiplied as the location of the photo shoot again and this time, for Kareena Kapoor Khan’s cousin.
In the picture, Ranbir Kapoor displays a shaved look clean, wearing black clothes. The actor holds a bowl in one hand and a snack in the other hand. On his right stands and twins with ranbir in black. The picture was shared by Anam Khan’s makeup artist.
Looks like the Animal Team has made the Pataudi Palace of their home for several days. For those who are inexperienced, royal property located on the outskirts of New Delhi is often a location for shooting for films and series. This includes the Blockbuster film Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta Veer Zaara and the Saif Series Gig.
As for animals, the film was directed by the fame of Kabir Singh Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Some of this film was taken at Himachal Pradesh earlier this summer. Ranbir had dived into the film shooting as soon as he and Alia Bhatt bind the node, in April. The actor image from the schedule in the mountains had leaked at the time.
The third Bollywood film Rashmika Rashmika. Previously, this film will star in Parineeti Chopra in leading. However, the actress must resign and that’s when the role was offered to Rashmika.
Animal will mark Ranbir’s first collaboration with Rashmika and Vanga. Animals are produced by Bhushan Kumar, Pranay Reddy Vanga, Krishan Kumar and Murad Khetani. The last Ranbir was seen in Shamshera and had a part of Brahmastra in the pipe to be released.