MUMBAI: Bollywood star Alia Bhatt on Monday said she would like to produce her husband’s director Ranbir Kapoor’s debut and would be “upset” if she did not ask her to be part of the project. During the promotion of Shamshera’s latest release, Kapoor reportedly expressed his desire to try his hand towards the film. The actor, who will then be seen in Brahmastra Part One: Shiva with Bhatt, said he had written a story during the locking induced by Pandemic and was looking for a writer to perfect it.
During the launch of the upcoming film trailer, Darlings, the inaugural production business, the actor was asked about the possibility of producing the Director of Debut Kapoor.
“We discussed it, actually. I told him that if you didn’t make me produce it, I would be very upset!” I tell him if you don’t want to bring me as an actor, it’s fine, he tells me, ‘No, no, I need you, you are a tyrannical’, as a joke. I am a creative producer so I will provide my creative input at the writing stage and produce it, “he told reporters here.
Darlings marked the debut of the director of writer Jasmeet K Reen. Dark comedy set Mumbai will start streaming on Netflix starting August 5.
Bhatt has produced this film through his banner Eternal Sunshine Productions, in collaboration with Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
The actor, the last to be seen on the big screen in Gangubai Kathiawadi, said he was surprised by Reen’s sharp writing and immediately felt like producing his favorite.
“When I met Jasmeet in 2019, I had a crowded schedule. But I had a habit of taking narration because you never knew where a good script could come from. The narrative was quite normal and suddenly shifted the gear.
Bhatt has produced this film through his banner Eternal Sunshine Productions, in collaboration with Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment.
The actor, the last to be seen on the big screen in Gangubai Kathiawadi, said he was surprised by Reen’s sharp writing and immediately felt like producing his favorite.
“When I met Jasmeet in 2019, I had a crowded schedule. But I had a habit of taking narration because you never knew where a good script could come from. The narrative was quite normal and suddenly shifted the gear.
I was right on the edge of the chair and rarely I was surprised by the script but it happened with ‘favorite’. Naturally, I think I want to be a producer about this too, “added 29 years.
Bhatt remembered Khan told him that he generally did not produce films but made “exceptions” for him. This duo starred in Dear Zindagi, the 2016 aged drama film.
“He (Khan) said that we would have fun and enjoy shooting this film. He recently watched a movie and in a distinctive style of Darlings, he sent a message, ‘Thank you love for making this film,” he said.
According to official synopsis, this film explores the life of the mother-child duo who tries to find their place in the city, “seeking courage and love in extraordinary circumstances while fighting against all possibilities”.